Sometimes coming up with some new, innovative and fun ideas for fundraising can be challenging.  We went to a very reliable source - teachers - to share their creative ways to fundraise for the 20/20 Challenge. They said:

Create a community in the school and TELL THEM WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS!  It is then that they will understand the purpose and what their goals are.  Show them the backpacks, etc that they are fundraising for.

  1. They had a visual goal – one school created a foot template and a path in the hallway.  Every time the students raised a pre-determined amount a new shoe went up on the wall.  At certain increments the celebrated*  See shoe template on following page
  2.  Principal would give the class and/or students a goal and if the accomplished this they got:
     - 20 minutes of recess instead of 15, An extra recess, A treat (i.e. freezies)*
  3. If a child in a class brought in the most for a particular week.
    - They got to sit at the teacher’s desk for the day to do their work
    - They got to use the teacher’s rollie chair for the morning.
  4. They could bring in a $1 to:
    - Chew gum
    - Wear athletic wear, instead of their uniform
    - Wear green    
    - Bad hair day*
  5. If a class brought in the lowest amount that week they had to sit against the wall for 1 minute in front of the whole school.  But the school encouraged them to stay a full minute by cheering them on.*
  6. Lent* - alms giving for a particular time of year.
  7. Everyday there was reminders on the PA/announcements to bring in $$$*
  8. Visual reminders of what they are fundraising for: backpacks for children in their community, running shoes for children in the Running & Reading Club.  All these children live in at-risk areas.
  9. Beard/Head Shaving - do you have a brave soul who is willing to go through a change to create change in their city?
  10. Skip a Meal/Give a Meal – Ask students to skip a meal by giving a meal.  The amount they would typically spend on their lunch, ask them to donate it!  You can replace skipping a meal with a cup of coffee too. Perfect for Secondary Students
  11. A Tournament between teachers and students.  Have an entrance fee of $1, $2 for people to come and watch the game.
  12. Who’s the Baby? Get people to submit a baby photo of themselves and everyone can guess who is who.  Charge a basic entry fee and offer a prize to the person who gets the most right.
  13. The usual - pizza, popcorn, carwash, bake sale, garage sale, lemonade stand - fundraising ideas.